Employees Compensation Insurer
Insolvency Bureau ("the Bureau") is a company limited by guarantee
and was incorporated under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance on 18 February
2003. It was set up by the insurance industry to give effect to an agreement
entered into on 21 February 2003 between the Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region and the Bureau ("the Insolvency Fund
Agreement"). In accordance with the
Insolvency Fund Agreement, the Government and the Bureau have agreed to
establish the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Scheme ("the
Insolvency Fund Scheme") to assume responsibility for the liabilities of
insurers engaging in employees' compensation business that become insolvent on
or after 1 April 2004. The liabilities in question were previously covered by the
Employees Compensation Assistance Scheme ("ECAS") established under
the Employees Compensation Assistance Ordinance (Cap. 365 of the laws of Hong
Kong) and have been excised from the scope of ECAS from 1 April 2004 pursuant
to the provisions of the Employees Compensation Assistance (Amendment)
Ordinance 2002, enacted by the Legislative Council in June 2002. The Bureau is funded by
contributions from members calculated at a percentage of gross premium of
employees' compensation policies written with effect from 1 April 2003. The
current funding rate is fixed at 2%. The Bureau plans to accumulate funds over
a long period of time. If the fund size reaches a comfortable level in the
future and there is a margin for a reduction of the rate of contribution, the
Bureau may respond positively to such circumstances. The scope of the Insolvency
Fund Scheme and the claims and settlement procedures will largely be the same
as those under the existing ECAS. In the event the fund size falls short of the
total amount of prospective claims, claimants shall have to queue for receipt
of compensation. 保險公司 ( 僱員補償
) 無力償債管理局 (“ 本局 ”)
於 2003 年 2 月 18 日根據香港公司條例註冊成為法團公司,是家由保險業建立的擔保有限公司。成立本局之目的是執行本局與香港特別行政區政府於 2003 年 2 月 21 日訂立的保險業無力償還債務基金協議。 按照無力償還債務基金協議,政府與本局同意成立保險公司 ( 僱員補償 ) 無力償債管理計劃 (“ 無力償還債務基金計劃 ”) 。這基金已承擔在 2004 年 4 月 1 日或之後就從事僱員補償業務而又無力償債的保險人有關的債務責任。有關的債務過往是由根據僱員補償援助條例 ( 香港法例第
365 章 ) 成立的僱員補償援助計劃所承擔,由 2004 年 4 月 1 日起,依據立法會於 2002 年 6 月制定的 2002 年僱員補償援助 ( 修訂 ) 條例,已從僱員補償援助計劃分拆出來。 本局現時的基金是由成員供款,數額按由 2003 年 4 月 1 日起生效的僱員補償保單的保金總額某百分率計算,而此百分率目前固定為2%。待基金經一段長時間累積後,金額達相當充裕水平時,本局會考慮將供款額調低。 無力償還債務基金計劃的範圍,以及申索和結算程序大體上會與現時的僱員補償援助計劃相同。如基金的數額低於申索的總額,申索人須稍候始能收到補償。 Copyright (c)
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